

  • 以下是《海峡时报》报道:

    Home-grown singer JJ Lin, who turned 42 on Monday, had an early birthday celebration on the final day of his Hong Kong concert tour on Sunday.


    Home-grown singer JJ Lin, who turned 42 on Monday, had an early birthday celebration on the final day of his Hong Kong concert tour on Sunday.


    The Mandopop star posted photos of the celebrations to social media early on Monday, writing in English: “Spending this year’s birthday with family, friends and colleagues. The greatest feeling ever! Happy birthday to me.”


    The Mandopop star posted photos of the celebrations to social media early on Monday, writing in English: “Spending this year’s birthday with family, friends and colleagues. The greatest feeling ever! Happy birthday to me.”



  • 以下是《海峡时报》报道:

    He also wrote in Chinese: “Being able to spend my birthday at work is the happiest thing for me.” Hong Kong-Canadian singer-actress Charlene Choi, 40, was seen in one of the photos holding a birthday cake with Lin.

    他还用中文写道:“能在工作中度过生日,对我来说是最幸福的事!” 在其中一张照片中,40岁的中国香港歌手兼演员蔡卓妍与林俊杰一起拿着生日蛋糕。

    He also wrote in Chinese: “Being able to spend my birthday at work is the happiest thing for me.” Hong Kong-Canadian singer-actress Charlene Choi, 40, was seen in one of the photos holding a birthday cake with Lin.

    他还用中文写道:“能在工作中度过生日,对我来说是最幸福的事!” 在其中一张照片中,40岁的中国香港歌手兼演员蔡卓妍与林俊杰一起拿着生日蛋糕。

    She commented under the photo: “Happy birthday, Brother Dimples.” Choi, one half of the Cantopop duo Twins with Gillian Chung, was Lin’s special guest at his concert on Sunday. The duo triggered a wave of nostalgia among fans when they performed the songs Loving Her and Dimples.

    She commented under the photo: “Happy birthday, Brother Dimples.” Choi, one half of the Cantopop duo Twins with Gillian Chung, was Lin’s special guest at his concert on Sunday. The duo triggered a wave of nostalgia among fans when they performed the songs Loving Her and Dimples.

    她在照片下留言:“生日快乐,酒窝哥。” 蔡卓妍与钟欣潼组成了粤语流行音乐双人组合Twins,是林俊杰周日演唱会上的特邀嘉宾。两人合作演唱了歌曲《我很想爱他》和《小酒窝》,在歌迷中掀起了一股怀旧风潮。

    她在照片下留言:“生日快乐,酒窝哥。” 蔡卓妍与钟欣潼组成了粤语流行音乐双人组合Twins,是林俊杰周日演唱会上的特邀嘉宾。两人合作演唱了歌曲《我很想爱他》和《小酒窝》,在歌迷中掀起了一股怀旧风潮。


  • 以下是《海峡时报》报道:

    The song Loving Him was first released by Twins as part of their 2006 album Around The World With 80 Dollars. It was later adapted by Lin and renamed Loving Her for his 2011 album She Says.


    The song Loving Him was first released by Twins as part of their 2006 album Around The World With 80 Dollars. It was later adapted by Lin and renamed Loving Her for his 2011 album She Says.


    The duet Dimples was a collaboration between Lin and Choi for his 2008 album Sixology. The track was also included in her 2009 album Lonely Me.


    The duet Dimples was a collaboration between Lin and Choi for his 2008 album Sixology. The track was also included in her 2009 album Lonely Me.




    文中分享了“提前庆祝生日”的说法:have an early birthday celebration

    Home-grown singer JJ Lin, who turned 42 on Monday, had an early birthday celebration on the final day of his Hong Kong concert tour on Sunday.






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