
王艺璇,1978年10月10日出生于江苏淮安,内地女演员,毕业于上海戏剧学院。 原在上海东方电视台当主持人,后进入影视圈,参演过多部影视剧。2006年,与邱心志结婚;同年年底,他们有了自己的孩子。影视代表作有《当代潇洒》、《西厢爱情故事》、《聊斋志异之花姑子》、《白蛇后传》等。

Wang Yixuan, a host and artist, has participated in many films and TV series

Wang Yixuan, born on October 10, 1978 in Huai 'an, Jiangsu Province, is a mainland actress. She graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy. After working as a host in Shanghai Oriental TV Station, he entered the film and television industry and participated in many films and TV series. She married Qiu Xinzhi in 2006. By the end of the same year, they had a child of their own. His representative films and television works include Modern Romance, Love Story in the West Wing, Strange Flower Sister from a Chinese Studio, Legend of the Later White Snake, etc.
