耶鲁大学开放课程:新约及其历史背景,Open Yale course:Introduction to New Testament History and Literature,海报
About the Course
This course provides a historical study of the origins of Christianity by analyzing the literature of the earliest Christian movements in historical context, concentrating on the New Testament. Although theological themes will occupy much of our attention, the course does not attempt a theological appropriation of the New Testament as scripture. Rather, the importance of the New Testament and other early Christian documents as ancient literature and as sources for historical study will be emphasized. A central organizing theme of the course will focus on the differences within early Christianity (-ies).
戴尔马丁教授是耶鲁大学宗教研究院的 Woolsey 教授。 他在阿比林基督教大学、 普林斯顿神学院和耶鲁大学接受教育。 他的研究主要是探索新约,基督教的起源、希腊罗马世界、古老家族与古代世界的性别与性倾向。 马丁教授被授予由全国人文学科基金会,富布赖特委员会,亚历山大冯洪堡基金会和礼来基金会颁发的奖学金。他是美国艺术与科学学院 (选出 2009年) 学会的成员。 他发表的刊物包括Slavery as Salvation, The Corinthian Body, Inventing Superstition, Sex and the Single Savior, and Pedagogy of the Bible。
About Professor Dale B. Martin
Dale B. Martin is the Woolsey Professor of Religious Studies at Yale. He was educated at Abilene Christian University, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Yale University. His work explores the New Testament, Christian origins, the Greco-Roman world,the ancient family , and gender and sexuality in the ancient world. Professor Martin has been awarded fellowships by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Fulbright Commission, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the Lilly Foundation. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (elected 2009). His publications include Slavery as Salvation, The Corinthian Body, Inventing Superstition, Sex and the Single Savior, and Pedagogy of the Bible.
1. 介绍:为什么要研究《新约》?
2. 从记述到正典
3. 希腊罗马世界
4. 公元一世纪的犹太教
5. 《新约》的历史确实性
6. 马尔谷福音
7. 玛窦福音
8. 托马斯福音
9. 路加福音
10. 宗徒大事录
11. 基督宗教中的若望传统:福音书
12. 基督宗教中的若望传统:书信
13. 历史中的耶稣
14. 传教者保禄
15. 牧者保禄
16. 犹太神学家保禄
17. 保禄的门徒
18. 保禄之争
19. 现世的保禄:牧放上主的羊群
20. 出世的保禄:Thecla(保禄追随者之一)
21. 经文的解读:希伯来释经传统
22. 经文的解读:中世纪释经传统
23. 末日与反抗
24. 末日与归宿
25. 教会:一体、殉道与主教
Class Sessions
1. Introduction: Why Study the New Testament?
2. From Stories to Canon
3. The Greco-Roman World
4. Judaism in the First Century
5. The New Testament as History
6. The Gospel of Mark
7. The Gospel of Matthew
8. The Gospel of Thomas
9. The Gospel of Luke
10. The Acts of the Apostles
11. Johannine Christianity: the Gospel
12. Johannine Christianity: the Letters
13. The Historical Jesus
14. Paul as Missionary
15. Paul as Pastor
16. Paul as Jewish Theologian
17. Paul's Disciples
18. Arguing with Paul?
19. The "Household" Paul: the Pastorals
20. The "Anti-household" Paul: Thecla
21. Interpreting Scripture: Hebrews
22. Interpreting Scripture: Medieval Interpretations
23. Apocalyptic and Resistance
24. Apocalyptic and Accommodation
25. Ecclesiastical Institutions: Unity, Martyrs, and Bishops
26. The "Afterlife" of the New Testament and Postmodern Interpretation