
#二月二龙抬头是什么意思# 专家表示,这一说法和古代天文学有关,“龙抬头”指的是二十八宿中代表苍龙两只犄角的两颗星从东方地平线上出现。这个时候春风化雨、大地返青,全国春耕生产由南向北展开,因此“二月二”又有“春耕节”等名字。唐代还把每年的“二月二”列为国家公假日,全国放假一天。


一年一度的“龙抬头”日又到了!剪头发、吃饺子、划龙舟…… 你们那里有什么传统的庆祝活动吗?#二月二开好头# Legend has it that every year, the dragon king, who is in charge of rain, awakens to spring thunder and raises its head on the second day of the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar. This signals the arrival of first rains of the year. Thus the day is celebrated and people are supposed to get a haircut, eat dumplings and follow some of other traditions. Check out how people in China celebrate the Longtaitou (Dragon Head-Raising) Festival!
