国家地理:极限宇宙National Geographic Extreme Universe‎(2010) | 本剧完结

  • 原名:National Geographic Extreme Universe‎
  • 地区:美国
  • 语 言:英语
  • 首播:2010-03-09 周二
  • 电视台:国家地理频道
  • 类型:纪录
  • 翻译:暂无
  • IMDB:
  • 别名:国家地理:终极宇宙

国家地理:极限宇宙,National Geographic Extreme Universe‎,国家地理:终极宇宙海报

  Extreme Universe
  In the Extreme Universe, there are realms of such extremes, we barely know them. But we're beginning to venture into places we never thought we'd reach. And the most profound mysteries of science are coming into view. The Extreme Universe gives vital insights into a world we thought we knew, using an unprecedent...
