
  • The beloved magical being's death and burial was filmed at Freshwater West, Pembrokeshire, for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows two-part films.


  • Harry Potter fans have been told to stop leaving socks and rocks dedicated to Dobby the house-elf at the site where the fictional character dies.

    哈利波特的粉丝们不要在 虚构人物家养小精灵多比拍摄地扔袜子和石头。

  • But the National Trust warned that fans' tributes could put wildlife at risk at the protected site and has asked for them to refrain from honouring the elf and instead stick to taking photos.


  • The area, which is a protected conservation site, holds wildlife like seals, porpoises, lizards and rare ground-nesting birds.


  • "Items like socks, trinkets, and paint chips from painted pebbles could enter the marine environment and food chain and put wildlife at risk."


  • In the second film, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Dobby is freed from serving the Malfoy family when Harry tricks Lucius Malfoy into giving the elf a sock.

    That has led to fans leaving socks there, along with coloured pebbles and other memorials.



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