网络热词crush到底是啥? | 酷我新专辑更新!(173-174附文案)




173 The Rush of a Crush

174 Your Talented Tongue




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The Rush of a Crush 恋上一个人

  • With one glance, your heart flutters and you feel the sweat spreading across your palms. Completely absorbed in a conversation with friends, the object of your affection is walking toward you. After this person accidentally bumps into you, he or she smiles politely, leaving you gasping for air. Silently you implore the gods of love to make him or her turn around, but the person walks on, oblivious to you or your feelings.

    This feeling of passion, desire, and longing for a person you don't know intimately is called a crush. The dictionary defines a crush as "a strong but temporary attraction for someone." Though the meaning is rather sweet, it doesn't fully express the physical and psychological changes involved in a crush.

    On the physical side, you may experience dry mouth, uncontrollable shaking, and an overall nervousness when the object of your infatuation is near. Mentally, if you have a crush on someone, you continuously think of this person. You may even fantasize about your wedding, naming your unborn children, and making retirement plans with someone you've never uttered a word to.

    Crushes can occur to practically anyone regardless of age. Some crushes can lead to lifelong romance, while others simply end in a matter of days. Most importantly, realize that this uniquely human feeling is one to be cherished because like the wind, it can change directions in an instant.





    Your Talented Tongue 灵活的三寸之舌

  • Imagine a piece of chocolate on the center of your tongue. The rich creamy flavor melts in the warmth of your mouth. You taste sweet, salty, and a slight hint of bitterness. This blissful moment of heaven wouldn't be possible without your tongue.

    Your tongue is made up of a complex group of muscles that perform a series of different jobs. Speaking, chewing, swallowing, tasting, and even belting out your favorite tune are just a few of the things required of one of the hardest-working parts of your body.

    The tip of your tongue is extremely flexible, bending and moving in conjunction with your mouth and teeth. This flexibility allows the formation of words as well as makes it possible for the tongue to shovel food from the front of your mouth to the back. The muscles at the back of your tongue push food down your throat. This process is a natural movement that requires little or no effort for most.

    When we are born, our tongues are covered with about 10,000 taste buds, each of which is composed of numerous taste cells. These cells have microscopic hairs that are hooked up to receptors in our brain that distinguish salty from sour and bitter from sweet. Just as many of our other senses diminish over time, so does our sense of taste. Older people may have only half of the taste buds that they were born with.

    Whether you are sampling mango ice cream or chomping on some chips, your tongue is with you every bite of the way.






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