Strong 演唱:Sonna Rele《Cinderella灰姑娘》OSTIn a perfect storybook在完美的故事中The world is brave and good 世界美妙又英勇A hero takes your hand 英雄牵起你的手A sweet love will follow 甜蜜爱情在等候But life's a different game但生活与此不同 The sorrow and the pain充满哀愁和伤痛Only you can change your world tomorrow 只能靠自己消除明日之忧Let your smile light up the sky 用你的微笑点亮天空Keep your spirit soaring high让你的心灵飞入苍穹 Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever 你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever 你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me 相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心 When 'once upon a time' “曾经”的字眼In stories and in rhyme 在故事里出现A moment you can shine and wear your own crown 预示着你即将加冕Be the one that rescues you 自我拯救终将实现Through the clouds, you'll see the blue 穿过乌云就会看见蓝天Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever 你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever 你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me 相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心 A bird all alone on the wind 鸟儿在风中孤独飞翔Can still be strong and sing 依然能坚强地歌唱 Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever 你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever 你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me 相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心
