you can you up no can no bb什么梗?具体翻译,你行你上啊, 不行别逼逼!中国式英语,老外也赞不绝口啊 you can you up!
you can you up no can no bb什么意思?这大概是只有中国人能够看懂的句式了吧,虽然全是英文,但其实都是中国句式的语法,下文有详解。
you can you up no can no bb什么意思:
翻译:you can you up, no can no BB 你行你上啊, 不行别逼逼
you can you up,已成功被录入美国在线俚语词典Urban Dictionary(城市词典)。
解释中还“附赠”了配套用语“no can no BB”(不行就别乱喷)。该词语出现,就收到了2300多个赞,热度可见一斑。
you can you up no can no bb出处:
电视剧《匆匆那年》[1]第4集里,2分50秒处,乔然说:“You can you up, no can no BB”
2014年春晚过后,方舟子发表微博质疑小彩旗肯定没有转4小时,称:“这不科学。镜头没拍到小彩旗的时候,她一定在休息!”冯小刚回复:“you can you up , no can no bibi”
you can you up no can no bb正确翻译:
Translated from Chinglish. If you can do it then you should go up and do it. It's used against people who criticize others' work, especially when the criticizer is not that much better. Often followed by "no can no BB", which means "if you can't do it then don't even criticize it".
“gelivable(给力)”、“people mountain people sea(人山人海)”、“long time no see(好久不见)”、“no zuo no die(不作死就不会死)”等。
原标题::you can you up no can no bb什么意思 不行别逼逼