1、earnest、serious和solemn三字之间有何区别? 此三字均有「严肃的」之意,但其间有差别,或另有不同的意思,不宜错用。
2、 Earnest即serious或over-serious,意为严肃的,或非常严肃的,例如: He is an earnest student of English.他学英文十分认真。
3、 但不要说I am earnest,而应说I am in earnest,与I am serious意思相仿,可译作「我是认真的」。
4、 Earnest亦可解作showing sincerity,意为态度热诚,例如: He is earnest about giving his son a good education.他热切地要给儿子良好的教育。
5、 Serious即dealing with important issues或not joking,意为严肃的,或不是说笑的,例如: I am serious about doing it.我做此事是当真的。
6、 但serious亦可解作severe,意为严重的,例如: This country is faced with a serious crisis.这个国家面临一个严重的危机。
7、 Solemn则是of a very serious nature,或of a formal nature,或sombre in appearance,意为非常严重的,或庄严的,或老气横秋的,例如: The organ played solemn music.风琴奏出壮严的音乐。
8、 He looked as solemn as a judge.他神色凝重,看上去像个法官。