
what#39s the weather like there yesterday? 这是最简单也最口语那里天气怎么样英语翻译的了;如果是好奇问因为那里天气怎么样英语翻译你真正想了解那里的天气那里天气怎么样英语翻译, 那上面的没问题 如果地道一点问候, 用 How is the weather over there? Is it cold。

How about the weather?= What is the weather like?希望采纳。


What is the weather like in your place ?weather 英#712we#240#601r 美#712w#603#240#602n 天气, 气象 暴风雨vt vi 晒干, 风化vt 平安渡过, 挨过。


那儿的天气怎么样用how来提问翻译成英文是How about the weather like there?相关短语学习how about 英hau #601#712baut 美ha#650 #601#712ba#650t词典 怎么样,怎么。


What#39s the weather like on your side?你那边的天气怎么样词汇解析1weather 英文发音#712we#240#601r中文释义n天气气象气象预报 例句I#39m afraid you#39re running a risk setting sail。

how is the weather in your city?= what is the weather like in your city。

哦 顺便说一下,我现在学的ABC天芐英语中心的导师才和我提过,事实上要掌握好英语是轻松的一定有个好的学习空间及进修口语对象,外教水平很重要,纯正欧美口音非东南亚才是最好,保持逐日口语交流,11个性化学习才能。

上海的天气怎么样用英语翻译出来 How is the weather in Shanghai?勤学好问 天天进步开心快乐每一天哈哈哈。

两种问法 How is the weather there?What is the weather like there。

What#39s the weather like in Xi#39an?How is the weather in Xi#39an?祝你开心。

What‘s the weather thereIt is fine 望采纳。


1、What is the weather like there?或 How is the weather there。

2、1It is raining now2What#39s the weather like today? How#39s the weather today? is a little is the weather there?5,It#39s foggy参考资料#47。

3、第一种说法how#39s the weather 第二种说法what#39s the weather like 第三种说法how do U think about the weather 第三种说法通常是熟人见面时用的,在欧洲特别是英国那边很常用。

4、今天天气怎么样用英文翻译有两种1What#39s the weather like today2How#39s the weather todaywhat用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志how作“怎样。
