say是什么意思 爱问知识人

say是什么意思 爱问知识人

say 是什么意思

say --- 及物动词 1。说,讲How do you say this in English? 这在英语中怎么说?2。讲述;说明; 表明,指明3。假定,假设Let's say you miss the train, what do you plan to do? 假定你赶不上火车,你准备怎么办?4。
(常用作插入语)比如说,例如;估计;约摸You may learn to play the violin in, say, three years。 你可以,比如说,在三年内学会拉小提琴。5。(人们)认为,声称It is said that there has been a serious earthquake there。
据说那里发生了一次大地震。6。 揭示;吩咐Mom said to tell you you should take three pills after dinner。 妈关照饭后你得吃三片药片。
