atzoo与inzoo的区别 爱问知识人

atzoo与inzoo的区别 爱问知识人

at zoo 与in zoo 的区别

1、at zoo中间必须加the;而in zoo不用。2、可以说in a/Beijing zoo;但不能说at a/Beijing zooeg。176-year-old Darwins tortoise dies in zoo。=176-year-old Darwins tortoise dies at the zoo。
ps。in the zoo: 在动物园里eg。We had a good time in the zoo last weekend。 First, let's see the penguins in the zoo。at the zoo : 在动物园里eg。
It's all happening at the zoo。There are many animals at the zoo。He worked at the zoo。ps。还有首歌叫《at the zoo》。
