请问"getdown"的中文意思,谢 爱问知识人

请问"getdown"的中文意思,谢 爱问知识人

get downTo descend。下降To give one's attention。 Often used with to : 认真:给予注意。常与to 连用: Let's get down to work。让我们认真工作吧To exhaust, discourage, or depress:疲惫,泄气,压抑:The heat was getting me down。
炎热使我精疲力竭To swallow:吞服:got the pill down on the first try。一次就把药吞了下去To describe in writing。记下:用写描绘Informal To lose one's inhibitions; enjoy oneself wholeheartedly。
【非正式用语】 放纵:失去控制;全身心享受。
