


1、hope 和expect和wish用法区别  1. hope 作“希望”解,主要用来表示主观上的愿望并对其实现抱有信心。

2、可接不定式(短语)或 that 引导的从句,但不可接“宾语+不定式”,即宾语补足语的结构,也称不定式的复合结构,例如:  We arehoping to see the president who will come to China.  I hope that you can tell us the truth.  We hope you to meet us at the station. (错误的用法)  2. wish 作“但愿、希望”解,表示某种未完成或不能完成的愿望。

3、可接不定式(短语)、双宾语、宾语+不定式的复合结构以及 that 从句,例如:  I wishyou to go to Beijing with me next year.  Everyone wish (that) he could pass theEnglish exam.  We wish you success/ (to be) happy.  I wish (that) I were a millionaire.  注意:表示实现愿望的可能性不大或根本不可能时,从句用虚拟语气。

4、  3. expect 作“期待、期望”解,侧重于相信或认为有实现可能的愿望。

5、可接名词、不定式(短语)、不定式的复合结构,例如:  I never expected his coming / help.  We expect to hear from Jane.  I expect you to give me a hand.  Heexpected that he could get there on time.。
