• 锻刀大赛Forged in Fire(2015) | 第9季连载中

    锻刀大赛Forged in Fire(2015) | 第9季连载中

    锻刀大赛Forged in Fire(2015) | 第9季连载中,锻刀,连载中,大赛,FORGED IN FIRE features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. In each episode, four of the best bladesmiths in th ...

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座2020 行星地球The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2020: Planet Earth - A Users Guide Seas

    英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座2020 行星地球The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2020: Planet Earth - A Users Guide Seas

    英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座2020 行星地球The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2020: Planet Earth - A Users Guide Season 1‎(2020) | 第1季连载中,行星地球,圣诞,连载中,科学院,讲座,英国皇家,The Christmas Lectures Title Sequence is one of the projects enabled by the Lumiere 125 s ...

  • 哈利法克斯:报应Halifax: Retribution(2020) | mini剧连载中

    哈利法克斯:报应Halifax: Retribution(2020) | mini剧连载中

    哈利法克斯:报应Halifax: Retribution(2020) | mini剧连载中,连载中,报应,It's almost twenty years since Doctor Jane Halifax worked with the police. Her life now is what many would describe as complete. Does she really want to change all that now? When Ja ...

  • 可口vs百事:可乐之战Cola Wars(2019) | 本剧完结

    可口vs百事:可乐之战Cola Wars(2019) | 本剧完结

    可口vs百事:可乐之战Cola Wars(2019) | 本剧完结,之战,战争,完结,百事,可乐,Documentary about the ongoing battle between world-famous brands Pepsi and Coca-Cola to prove which one of them is top of the pops. The film looks at the secrets of each drink's success ...

  • 大于或等于75度≥75℃(2019) | mini剧完结

    大于或等于75度≥75℃(2019) | mini剧完结

    大于或等于75度≥75℃(2019) | mini剧完结,韩国,完结,网剧,百合,韩国百合网剧,大于或等于75度。 ...

  • 猫猫-纯心之谷的英雄们Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart(2019) | 第1季完结

    猫猫-纯心之谷的英雄们Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart(2019) | 第1季完结

    猫猫-纯心之谷的英雄们Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart(2019) | 第1季完结,英雄,心之谷,完结,An explosive loner and his slacker best friend are waylaid from their journey into legend, only to find that their story is just beginning. ...

  • 攻心计La bella y las bestias(2018) | 单剧连载中

    攻心计La bella y las bestias(2018) | 单剧连载中

    攻心计La bella y las bestias(2018) | 单剧连载中,攻心计,连载中,故事,报仇,讲诉女主为父报仇的故事! ...

  • 珍妮教英语Wrong Say Do(2018) | 单剧连载中

    珍妮教英语Wrong Say Do(2018) | 单剧连载中

    珍妮教英语Wrong Say Do(2018) | 单剧连载中,发布,节目,周二,每集,综艺节目,小哥哥,小宅,相遇,[泰语中字]Wrong Say Do 珍妮教英语,此为泰国综艺节目,此节目每周二发布,看过那么多腐剧,小宅这次给大家换个口味,感受泰乔恩不一样的英语教学!每集一个国外小哥哥与珍妮姐相遇,他们会擦出怎样的火花?快来看我们宅基地字幕组的力作【珍妮教英语】,此节目每周二发布! ...

  • 爱丽丝Alice(2003)


    爱丽丝Alice(2003),爱丽丝,Alice is suffering from the upcoming marriage of her older sister Manon as they've shared a unique togetherness since their childhood. ...

  • BBC地平线:探寻人工智能BBC Horizon: The Hunt for AI(2012)

    BBC地平线:探寻人工智能BBC Horizon: The Hunt for AI(2012)

    BBC地平线:探寻人工智能BBC Horizon: The Hunt for AI(2012),地平线,人工智能,Marcus Du Sautoy wants to find out how close we are to creating machines that can think like us: robots or computers that have artificial intelligence.   His journey takes him t ...

  • 小菜园大挑战The Big Allotment Challenge(2014) |

    小菜园大挑战The Big Allotment Challenge(2014) |

    小菜园大挑战The Big Allotment Challenge(2014) | ,挑战,菜园,园地, ...

  • 模特习惯Model Behaviour(2013)

    模特习惯Model Behaviour(2013)

    模特习惯Model Behaviour(2013),模特,习惯,Jordan Rhodes is an honest detective investigating the heinousmurder of a leading talent agent. As he delves into a melting pot ofbeauty, ego and violence, the stakes are raised when the killerdistribut ...

  • 英国人德国人和他们的汽车工业Das Auto The Germans,their cars and us(2013)

    英国人德国人和他们的汽车工业Das Auto The Germans,their cars and us(2013)

    英国人德国人和他们的汽车工业Das Auto The Germans,their cars and us(2013),汽车工业,下载地址,德国,英国人,【下载地址】http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnvggur ...

  • 史前世界Prehistoric(2013) | 本剧完结

    史前世界Prehistoric(2013) | 本剧完结

    史前世界Prehistoric(2013) | 本剧完结,世界,完结,史前,This graphics-intensive series takes viewers backwards through time to see what amazing extinct creatures stood, lived, fought and died in our backyards -- hundreds, thousands, even millions of ye ...

  • 切尔西制造Made in Chelsea(2011) | 第4季完结

    切尔西制造Made in Chelsea(2011) | 第4季完结

    切尔西制造Made in Chelsea(2011) | 第4季完结,切尔西,完结,Made In Chelsea is a British reality soap, set in the wealthy Chelsea district of London. The show will follow the lives of: Ollie Locke, Spencer Matthews, Fredrik Ferrier, Francis Boulle, Hug ...

  • 啤酒是如何酿成的How Stuff Works: Beer Connoisseur(2011) | 本剧完结

    啤酒是如何酿成的How Stuff Works: Beer Connoisseur(2011) | 本剧完结

    啤酒是如何酿成的How Stuff Works: Beer Connoisseur(2011) | 本剧完结,啤酒,完结,饮料,食物, ...

  • 联盟The Coalition (2013)

    联盟The Coalition (2013)

    联盟The Coalition (2013),联盟,英文版Prime Alexander is a professional athlete living the life most men dream of.He has a huge guaranteed contract, beautiful women chasing him and the best friends a man could ask for.He's used to getting what ...

  • BBC 单口喜剧的艺术BBC Imagine The Art of Stand Up(2011) | 本剧完结

    BBC 单口喜剧的艺术BBC Imagine The Art of Stand Up(2011) | 本剧完结

    BBC 单口喜剧的艺术BBC Imagine The Art of Stand Up(2011) | 本剧完结,喜剧,单口,完结,艺术,In a two-part special as part of the BBC's long-running arts strand Imagine, Alan Yentob explores the world of stand-up comedy.  Speaking in depth to a range of stand ...

  • 亲密爱人ホームワーク‎(1992) | 本剧完结

    亲密爱人ホームワーク‎(1992) | 本剧完结

    亲密爱人ホームワーク‎(1992) | 本剧完结,福山雅治,周二,幸子,男女,放送,亲密爱人,主演,共演,主 演: 唐沢寿明/清水美砂/福山雅治ホームワークはTBS系列で1992年10月16日~12月25日に放送されたテレビドラマ。『愛という名のもとに』で一躍脚光を浴びた唐沢寿明を主人公に、4人の男女の恋愛模様を描いた。このドラマから清水美砂、福山雅治が人気をあげ活躍の場を広げた。また稲垣潤一の主題歌も大ヒットした。 また、1993年10月1日の21:00 - 2 ...

  • 危情英雄Aazaan(2011)


    危情英雄Aazaan(2011),危情,英雄,Aazaan Khan - a young upright army officer, with a mixed lineage of Afghan and Indian parents, working for RAW (India's Research and Analysis Wing) as part of his duties, gets drawn in to the murky world of espi ...

  • 点亮美国Hey Watch This(2010)

    点亮美国Hey Watch This(2010)

    点亮美国Hey Watch This(2010),点亮,纪录片,巡演,美国,基于Cheech and Chong的“点亮美国”重组巡演的纪录片。 ...

  • 姑姑Тётушки‎(2013)


    姑姑Тётушки‎(2013),姑姑,The action of the story takes place around the Christmas time, when, as usually, the most unbelievable miracles come to life. The story starts with Maria - future doctor and meanwhile an eager student of medical un ...

  • 黑暗降临Dark Rising: Bring Your Battle Axe(2007)

    黑暗降临Dark Rising: Bring Your Battle Axe(2007)

    黑暗降临Dark Rising: Bring Your Battle Axe(2007),黑暗降临,黑暗,来袭,A broken heart, a battle axe, a demon and a lesbian ex-fiancée... Jason Parks' life goes from bad to worse as a series of supernatural events turn his dream of reconciliation wit ...
